
Hey Ladies,
            Breaking with my weekly post (again) for the Holiday. Spend a little time this week mulling over what you’re grateful for. Things are chaotic right now, it’s a difficult time for many of us for a variety of reasons. Don’t lose sight of the things that are good right now, the victories we’ve won and the obstacles we’re making progress on. For some of us experiencing loss, gratitude may seem very difficult to experience, but I encourage you to find at least 5 things to help you realize all hope is not lost.  Every little bit of gratitude is helpful. Think about it, savor it, and enjoy what you have to be thankful for. Once you've made your list (no matter how short or long) re-read it and remind yourself of these points, it may even help you remember a few more things. Happy Thanksgiving ladies, I'm incredibly grateful for you this year. Be well. 

Here's my top 50 this year:

My gratitude list:

1)    My sister
2)    My family
3)    My oldest friends
4)    My LA family (these are my friends who have become family to me)
5)    My job / career
6)    Puppetry
7)    Health insurance
8)    My home and the atmosphere I live in.
9)    My neighborhood
10)  My car and what having reliable transportation has afforded me.
11)  The state of CA
12) The freedom I’ve been afforded to decide what I want to do with my life.
13)  My education and intellect.
14)  My orgasm
15)  My humor
16) The lesson that money doesn’t equal happiness.
17) The lesson that loneliness isn’t cured through consumption.
18) A cup of tea
19) Meditation (even when I’m not diligent in my practice)
20) The set of stairs I climb on my way to my park.
21) My park
22) My gym
23) Any body of water I can swim in.
24) The Korean day spa
25) The wisdom of my elders
26) The humor of my friends
27) My sex life
28) When a smile and hello is returned by a stranger
29)  Random acts of kindness
30) The PCH
31) Camping
32)  The freedom to voice my opinion
33) The freedom to defend others who voice theirs as well
34) My privilege and my ability to use it to advocate for others
35)  My friends and family still brave enough to have children
36) Hope
37) Retinol-A and anti-aging products
38) Massages
39) Being comfortable with who I’ve become as a human being
40) My never ending desire to grow, learn and evolve
41) My hair
42) My ability to connect with animals and babies
43) My superhero exclamation: KABLAMO!
44) My playlists
45) The understanding that change is constant
46) The familiar comfort of a family game night
47) A good sad song that I can cry and sing along to
48) A good laugh that leaves me in tears
49) Holding hands with an older family member

50) Constantly having things to be grateful about…


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